Since we know tracking your fleet is one of the main reasons you bought our system, we make sure all of your fleet's raw data is processed and turned into organized and readable information that you can use in your system. The Tracking History feature is one of the main tools to achieve that.
Tracking History feature allows you to access trip information dating back to however long you need. It displays a playback of the routes of the trips taken on the map by the units you chose to display, in addition to detailed information about each unit and the trip route, like the number of stops, speed, mileage, and time.
To access the Tracking History log into your account on the platform then open the navigation drawer (It is accessed through clicking on the three-dashed button at the top left corner of the page), under Fleet Tracking click on Tracking History, the following window appears.
On the right side of the page, you'll find the control drawer through which you can specify the type of unit (either vehicle or camera), duration, units, speed, and many more parameters to display, that will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.
The control menu is located on the right side of the page where you can choose which units to show their playback on the map.
1. The first drop menu is the type of the unit, you choose between Camera (If you have installed the TechnoDrive camera in your fleet) and Vehicle (If you have installed the GPS tracker in your fleet).
2. The second drop menu is to choose a specific group of units (if you had previously grouped any) to show at the bottom of the control menu.
3. The Trail Line option allows you to choose the maximum number of lines shown at a given instant on the map, you can choose a number as low as 10 and as high as 100000, this helps you keep the map less cluttered during the playback of your data.
4. The Min. Speed slider helps you choose a minimum threshold for the units' speed to playback.
5. The Play Speed slider helps you fast forward through the playback, since each line drawn represents 10 seconds of actual driving time, you can preview the trip at a faster speed.
6. The Split Mode toggle when on, separates your map into a number of screens equal to that of your chosen units, to help you see each unit's trips separately at the same time.
7. The From and To options allow you to specify a certain duration to view the playback of the trips in, you click on the date and time under "From" and a calendar window pops up. After you click the date you want, you're redirected to a clock to choose the starting time, and the same process with the "To" to choose the end time.
8. At the bottom of the control menu, you'll find a list of your units' names, click the checkboxes on the left side of the units' names then click the green START button, a similar map appears.
2. Map View
Fig.032.1 Track Units
You can pause the simulation at any time or end it by clicking on the PAUSE and END buttons respectively. During the simulation, you can follow a certain unit by clicking on the location symbol beside its name in the control menu, then clicking the
Track Units button on the map control toolbar as shown below.
Fig.052.2 Colored Dots
You'll notice, as the simulation goes on, a few colored dots along the trip route as shown below
Fig.06Here's a breakdown of the meanings of every color:
1. Green Dots: These represent the stopping of the unit for a period of time less than 5 minutes.
2. Yellow Dots: These represent the stopping of the unit for a period of time more than 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes.
3. Blue Dots: These represent the stopping of the unit for a period of time more than 10 minutes.
4.Red Dots: These represent the over-speeding of the unit, the default threshold is 90 Km/h so any higher speeds are documented as red dots.
You can select any dot or line at any time and more information regarding the unit pops up as shown below.
Fig.07You'll also notice a
Map Control Toolbar at the upper right corner of the map which has been discussed extensively in a previous article, if you need to check it out click on the name above.
If you still have any more questions, please contact us via email, phone, or by simply starting a ticket!