We know how important reports are for your business since they're needed to deduct your monthly or yearly statistics, that's why we made a specific tab called Reports where you'll find every kind of report you wish for.
This feature offers the same data as that in Live Activity, the difference is this can only generate separate activity reports.
To access reports, open the navigation drawer by clicking on the three-dashed button, scroll down to Fleet Reports and under it click on Reports. The following window appears.
Fig.1 To view reports, navigate to the side control drawer at the right side of the page, if it isn't visible, click on the arrow at the right side of the page. Under Activity click on Units Activities, the following window appears.
There, you will choose the type of the unit; whether a GPS unit is what you purchased (Vehicle) or an SDN camera is installed in your unit (Camera), then choose a group of units if any exist. You can select a number of units from a specific group by marking the checkboxes next to their names or you can select all the units by clicking on the checkbox beside the column header "Name". After filtering, click on the confirm button.
Next you'll choose the type of activity you want a report of, the following is a list of all of our standard activities in the drop menu called Activity Types.
Fig.3 Choose the one you want to generate a report about, then choose the "From" and 'To" dates and times and click on the search button, a similar window appears.
Fig.4 You can choose to view reports on the platform or you can choose to export them to an excel file by clicking on the green button with the name Excel.
This window shows the names of the units, the type of activity, the start time of the activity, its end time, duration, the reference 1 referring to the speed limit set by you and the start mileage before this activity (in this case speeding). If you scroll right, the rest of the data shows as the following.
Fig.5 This window shows the end mileage which is the mileage after the event happened (in this case speeding), the difference in mileage, maximum speed the unit reached during the activity, minimum speed the unit reached during the activity, the start address and the end address.
If you have any more questions, please email us, call or simply start a ticket!