The Parking Types setting helps you control your fleet through the Fleet Performance feature we have on our platform, the idea is to add kinds or types of parking by simply listing the reason for it, for instance, if a unit stops for scheduled maintenance, you add a new parking type with the name "Scheduled Maintenance", then find the unit that has stopped in the Fleet Performance tab, and choose from a list of reasons for stopping, "Scheduled Maintenance" as the reason. This helps you improve the productivity of your fleet, to know the reasons for any and all stops made by your units, and enforce new policies if needed. To access the Parking Types feature, open the navigation drawer by simply clicking on the three-dashed button, then under Settings, click on Parking Types, a similar window appears.
Fig.01If you already have parking types saved in the system, you'll find them listed as shown above. You can also use said examples in your system, to add a new parking type, click on the button "ADD" at the right side of the page and the following window appears.
Fig.02You'll fill in the information as follows.
Type: This is where you add the Parking Type's name; Scheduled Maintenance as per the previous example.
Asking Time: The number of time units you want to wait before the need for an update from the driver.
Time Unit: Choose the time unit you prefer, minutes, hours, or days.
Parking Cause:
- Choose "Approved Parking" for scheduled parking, for example, if your unit is parked in its parking space, or if it's parked for scheduled maintenance.
- Choose "Unexpected Delay" for emergency breakdowns, unplanned stops, or really heavy traffic.
Out of Service: Check this feature if your unit breaks down or won't be able to move as expected.
After you fill in the previous fields, click save and you're all done! If you need to edit any previously saved parking type, just click on the pencil-shaped button next to the parking type's name and the same window of the previously discussed "ADD" feature appears.
If you have any more questions, please email us, call or simply start a ticket!
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