f you don't have a control room to monitor your fleet every second of every day, worry not for we have provided you with the perfect alternative, the notification system, which is fully customizable, will make you feel you're with your fleet every step along the way. To access the notifications, open the navigation drawer by clicking on the three-dashed button on the upper left side of the page, then under Fleet Reports click on Notification. The following window appears.
Fig.01If you had previously added notifications they would appear in the previous menu, if you hadn't and you need to create customized notifications per event or vehicle, click on the "New Notification" button, the following window appears.
Fig.02If you want to get notified at a specific time, toggle the preferred time tab on then select the times you want. Fill in the rest of the data like the minimum number of events to be alerted about and the maximum number of notifications to get in a day, your email and/or your phone number then fill in the description with the message you want to receive, it could be the name of the event and the vehicle, or whatever you like, then click save and continue, the following window appears.
Fig.04 Select the type (vehicle or camera), then group if any exists, then select the events you want to get notified of, you can enter a predefined geo-zone if any exists as reference 1 and you can choose a minimum priority of events. You can also choose specific vehicles to get notified of and not all of them by checking the checkboxes beside the vehicle names you want, after you're done click save and the following window appears.
Fig.05You can edit the notifications at any time by clicking on the pencil shaped button, and delete it by clicking on the bin shaped button.
If you have any more questions, please email us, call or simply start a ticket!