The Live Activity feature helps you monitor your fleet and track their activities such as Hourly, daily, monthly or yearly activities, also other activities like engine on activity, ACC on activity, over speeding and much more. To access Live Activity open the navigation drawer by tapping on the three-dashed button, under Fleet Reports click on Live Activity, the following window appears.
Fig.01To start, click on the car dashed button to filter the vehicles you want to view, the following window appears.
Fig.02First, select the unit type (Vehicle or Camera) then choose a group if any exists, if not, manually select the checkboxes beside every name that you want to view their activity and click confirm.
Then, open the activity type drop menu and choose the types of activities you want to view and click search, a similar window appears.
Fig.03As you can see, the names of the units or vehicles are shown at the top of the page, then the above data is shown. If you scroll right additional data will show like in the following figure.
Fig.04This helps you keep track of every event or activity made by any of your units ensuring maximum surveillance over your fleet.
If you have any questions, please email us, call us or simply start a ticket.