SDN Vision provides you with the first AI-surveillance system using your existing network of IP cameras. You don't need to purchase additional expensive hardware to receive a cloud-based, highly analytical, AI-surveillance system.
The Camera Timeline feature is one of the core features we provide you, It helps you oversee, manage and control your business from various aspects, this feature analyzes your metadata using AI-based facial recognition, motion detection, and report generation to help you keep an eye on your business as well as suggest new ways to grow and nourish it. To access the Camera Timeline feature, open the left navigation drawer by clicking on the three-dashed button located at the top left corner of the page, then under AI-surveillance, click on Camera Timeline, a similar window appears.
You'll notice all of your surveillance cameras present from all of your branches, whether local or overseas. You'll also notice a search bar on the top left corner of the window; where you can search for a specific surveillance camera by name, or if you don't remember the camera name, you can choose a specific branch by choosing it from the drop-down menu on the upper right corner named "gateway". Each camera thumbnail shows you an overview of events from the last hour by hovering your mouse over the timeline bar at the bottom of the camera thumbnail to a specific moment. If you wish to view more than the previous hour, click on the camera thumbnail you want to view, a similar window appears.
This playback window shows you all the screenshots and events of the day, starting at 12 AM and ending at the moment you clicked on the thumbnail, to get to a specific moment, or a specific screenshot, hover your mouse on the blue timeline bar at the bottom of the playback window, then double click on the screenshot you want to watch a video playback of, a similar window appears.
1. Playback Video
Fig.03The video playback starts at the exact moment you clicked on the timeline bar; enclosed in an interval of one hour, you can scroll forwards or backwards in the video playback to get to a specific moment. You will also find various controls around the video playback, at the bottom you will find a 'settings wheel symbol' where you can adjust the video playback quality, you can also zoom in by clicking on the 'plus lens symbol'. You can also take a snapshot of a certain moment and save it locally by clicking on the 'camera symbol', or view the video playback in fullscreen mode by clicking on the 'square-like symbol'.
Another interesting feature is the Add Camera option, if you have multiple cameras at a certain location and you want to view the same video playback from another angle, you can select another camera by clicking on the camera symbol located at the top right corner of the playback video screen, the following window appears.
Fig.04You then select a camera by clicking on the checkbox next to the camera's name and click the ADD button, two views of the same video playback appear like the following.
Fig.05You can remove any added camera views by clicking on the x-marked button at the top right corner of the video playback to return to the normal viewing mode.
In the normal viewing mode, you will notice a control bar of sorts that has 3 tabs; History, Search, and Info. We will discuss each tab in the following paragraphs.
2. History tab
The history tab has all of your footage history dating back to when you first started using our system, it holds up years of footage with ease thanks to our cloud based surveillance systems, in order to get back to a specific date, specify it in the cutom date controls found at the left most corner of the control bar, click on the 'calendar symbol', a similar window appears.
Fig.06 Choose a specific date and time in the calendar, then click apply. You can also choose to filter by objects type and count, simply click on the object filter control found next to the custom date control, a similar window appears.
Fig.07Choose the object type; Person to view all the sceenshots taken with people in it, Vehicle
to view all the sceenshots taken with vehicles in it, or Face to view all the faces that appeared on your feed. You then choose the number of objects in a single screenshot, this helps you narrow down your search of a specific event if you know the number of people in it.Another filter is the Periods filter, the default mode for the camera timeline feature is showing events and footage of a 24 hr day in a thumbnail. However, you can choose to break down the day into smaller intervals if you're looking for a specific event without knowing the exact time. Click on periods filter and a similar drop-down menu appears.
Fig.08You can choose a 24hr inerval, 4hr interval, 1hr inerval or a 10min interval.